How old is the oldest of the tattoo, Well, nobody really knows. So how do you know what the earliest tattoos. However, archaeologists have discovered a mummified body until 7000 years that show signs of tattoos. This mummy was found in the Alps, with carbon tattoos consisting of simple dots and lines. Since this was before most civilizations discovered writing, we have no idea who he was or why he had a tattoo. Of course, archaeologists have their theories, but no hard evidence, I'm just guessing.
Now, the earliest documented cases of tattoos are Greeks in 1000 BC and 2000 BC in Egypt. Nobody really knows how to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, whereby archaeologists are basically guessing which Egyptian tattoos were associated with fertility. On the other hand, Greek and Roman tattoos were usually used to permanently mark their slaves and criminals. Only in the 6th century AD did the practice of tattooing spread to other parts of Roman society. Some records claim that the Roman soldiers who serve veterans in Britain were tattooed as an honor of some sort.
Despite the age of the Chinese civilization, there is no known trace historically agreed to tattoo. Apparently, as the Greeks and Romans also had a taboo against tattoos. This is different than the Japanese, who sports tattoos were religious in 300 BC. Interestingly, tattoos in Japan did not become associated with the criminal element prevalent before contact with the West in 1800.
The other great Asian civilizations, India also did not have a history of permanent tattoos. They, however, have temporary tattoos for cosmetic use by the brides. This culture of temporary tattoos for weddings have existed from the 12nd century, and are created using henna. This use of henna seems to originate from the Egyptians and Arabs already 5000 years ago. The Egyptians used henna to decorate their Pharaohs before the mummification process.
Nowadays, tattoos have lost their religious point of view. Also do not use to mark criminals, unlike the ancient Greeks and Romans. Also the association with criminals is fading in modern Western civilization. Young women are now decent sports tattoos back as fashion statements. Hollywood celebrities are further popularize purely cosmetic use of tattoos.
As you can see from this brief history, tattoos have a rich and colorful past. An improved modern tattoo art is creating membership sites and online forums on the internet where you can look for hundreds or even thousands of tattoo designs. While your ancestors may have had just hope for the best with their crude tattoos, is no longer the same limit.